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We Train Hard, So
We Can Fight Smarter.

Small MBVFD Crest
Volunteer Firefighting

It Starts Here

Training for the Melbourne Beach Fire Department is an aggressive process. Anyone wishing to become a firefighter for us will have to complete several essential types of training, beginning with Blood-borne Pathogens, Marine Rescue, Ground Crew Training, and fire department / apparatus familiarization.

Our training program can be both aggressive and gratifying, because it's designed to challenge you mentally and physically. The more realistic the training, the better you perform when the alarm sounds for an actual call. It also leads to a strong camaraderie, which is world-wide among firefighters.

Certification Matters

Education & Experience

Once familiarization and department standards are met, we will enroll you in Fire Fighter I, in order to get you to become a State Certified Firefighter. This training will include topics such as First Responder, which is the first level of Medical training, fire essentials, to learn the dynamics of how fire develops and spreads, and many other topics. Upon passing the course as well as the State Exam, he or she will be a State Certified Firefighter. This is still just the beginning of your training, as we have regular fire training too.

Learn More - Fire Standards
Every Week 7pm - 9pm

Tuesday Training

Weekly training's are designed to help everyone on the fire department work together as a team and to keep current their ability to serve as a firefighter. This consist mostly of a hands on approach but is complimented by classroom sessions as well.

Further education is stressed to raise standards and provide the highest level of service to the town of Melbourne Beach. This includes courses offered by the U.S. Fire Administration (USFA), National Fire Prevention Agency (NFPA), Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and many other certification courses available online or in classroom format.

Think You Have What It Takes?

Apply to join the Melbourne Beach Vol. Fire Department Today.